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Business Continuity – Is Cybersecurity Part of Your Plan?

Cybersecurity threats have been on the rise in recent years and should be among the top priorities in any business continuity plan. With so many businesses suddenly exploring the option of giving up the traditional office and having employees work from home as a result of COVID 19, it has become an even bigger concern. While it’s important that employees working remotely still have access to programs, information, and other online systems necessary to remain productive, working remotely can result in an increase of vulnerable devices accessing your business network. This has the potential to put the security of your company’s data and intellectual property at risk. 

A recent study conducted by OpenVPN has found that more than one in three organizations has dealt with a security incident that was the result of the unsecured remote workers. For those looking to make this transition to remote work permanent, increased cybersecurity measures are absolutely crucial. However, cybersecurity measures should be a key component of any business continuity plan. Here are some security measures that should be included when establishing or updating your cybersecurity.

Business continuity plan

Increase Awareness

Educate your employees on the constantly evolving cybersecurity threats such as phishing. According to Retruster’s 2019 phishing and email fraud statistics, 90% of all data breaches are the result of phishing scams. Cybercriminals have become highly sophisticated. They create phishing scams that can be effective in encouraging employees to click on email links that end up providing cybercriminals with access to your company’s network. Employees should hover over links and examine the URL’s. If a link is from an unknown source, they must not click on it. 

Require a Secure Environment

When working remotely, employees will be using the wireless network in their home or possibly even public WiFi. Accessing work emails and other work-related tools and information on these networks will make it easier for cybercriminals to steal your company’s data and proprietary information. Require employees working from home to use a virtual private network (VPN) connection. A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network by encrypting internet traffic. This is especially important when using public or unfamiliar networks.

Reduce Vulnerabilities 

Home networks often lack sufficient security, making them vulnerable. Employees rarely change their router passwords or install program and firmware updates. Software and firmware updates often include patches to address security vulnerabilities. When allowing them to work from home, employees can reduce vulnerabilities by installing updates, regularly changing passwords or disconnecting old, vulnerable devices from their home network.

Physical Security

It’s vital that your employees understand that physical security is also extremely important to your company’s cybersecurity and business continuity. Remind them to follow these basic physical security measures. Keep doors locked when no one is home. Computers are often stolen in home invasions and leaving the door unlocked is like an open invitation. Don’t leave laptops or any other work-related devices in the car. When traveling, employees should keep these devices with them. Also, never use a random USB device. Hackers use malware-infected flash drives laying around, hoping someone will pick one up and plug it into their computer. This can provide them access to your entire network.

Reporting Cyberattacks

When an employee suspects they have experienced a cyberattack, time is of the essence. Establish a cyberattack reporting policy and make sure your employees understand that any attacks must be reported immediately. The longer they go unchecked, the more extensive the damage to your company’s financial health and reputation will be.

Business continuity management

Business Continuity and Cybersecurity

In today’s high-tech world, cybersecurity is vital to business continuity. Whether your employees are working remotely or returning to the office, it’s crucial you have the proper firewalls, malware protection, VPN’s and more in place. However, it can also be overwhelming and require the expertise of an IT team, an expense many small businesses may struggle with even though they know it is a necessary investment. 

Whether you’re looking to create your own IT dept or just outsource your IT issues, CapFlow Funding Group may be able to help make that happen.  We offer working capital solutions to quickly provide the funding you need to protect and grow your business. We work with business owners across various industries to find the best working capital solutions to their businesses on track. Capflow specializes in invoice factoring. We also offer merchant cash advances and work with trusted partners to make additional funding opportunities available. Our team will work tirelessly to see you through to success. Contact us today!


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