Millions Of Businesses Need Working Capital

You could be their solution

Get the power of on-demand cash flow by partnering with CapFlow.

Get a complimentary funding quote

Contact us via the quick application, and our team will reach out within hours!

  • Please provide your full name.
  • A business bank account will be required for a working capital application.
  • A minimum of 6 months of revenue will be required for a working capital application.
  • Our working capital products are designed for businesses, not individuals.
  • Hidden

Let our story be your happy ending

Our opportunities range from simple referral relationships to fully integrated programs in which you choose how involved (or uninvolved) you want to be. Either way, you gain more clients, longer relationships, increased customer satisfaction and a new ongoing residual stream.

By Partnering With Capflow, We Give You The Ability To

Generate revenue

Generate new and ongoing revenue for your business.

Provide fast and flexible cash flow solutions

That increase your sales and cement customer loyalty.

Build a factoring portfolio

With a partner that will handle as much or as little of the service and support as you choose.

Straightforward, simple online account

Boarding, information, documentation and balances.

Work with a direct funder

For simple approvals and fast delivery.

Volume bonuses available upon request